Tell me Muse, how it all began…
Why was Juno outraged?
Why did she force a man, so famous for his devotion, to brave such rounds of hardship, bear such trials?
This exile, the first to flee the coast of Troy.
Map of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Sea, showing Aeneas' journeys
Virgil reading the Aeneid in front of Augustus and Livia, in Sommariva room of Villa Carlotta (Tremezzo), by Jean-Baptiste Wicar, (Italy)
Juno, Queen of the Gods, prized Carthage above all lands. A city trained and fierce in war, where she kept her armour and chariot.
“Carthage would rule the nations of the earth if only the Fates were willing.”
But a race of men, of Trojan blood, would topple her Tyrian stronghold, breed an arrogant people, proud in battle, and who would rule far and wide.
“The fates were spinning out the future.”
This was Juno’s fear. So she kept them far from Latium, the Fates forcing them to wander around the seas year in and year out.
“Such a long hard labour it was to found the Roman people.”